Monday 15 June 2009

About Muslim holiday destinations

What’s this blog about?

Well, ever been on holiday, and its a Friday and you have no idea where to pray Jumaah?

Want a relaxing beach holiday with friends, but don’t want to stand out because you’re the only one in a burqini?

Love ski-ing but want to stay away from the beer festivals?

Muslims have a strict code of modesty and ethics. Many Muslims may not feel comfortable going to comedy festivals that are held in pubs as alcohol is prohibited in Islam. Similarly beach holidays are avoided by Muslims because of the modest clothing ruling. Being on holiday on a Friday in a town that doesn’t have a mosque is risky business.

All these issues are addressed in this blog. It’s about bringing to you a wealth of information about Muslim friendly holiday destinations!

I look forward to all your comments and suggestions.

Peace be on you,



  1. Hi there. I like the idea of your blog and hope you will make some new posts soon. :)
    If you have any experience in traveling through Europe or Central/South America, please share your stories! I am currently on the hunt for a destination in those places which is friendly and feasible for female Muslim travelers. My biggest concern when traveling is actually food...Second concern is what to do since I avoid typical "nightlife" activities (bars, clubs etc).

  2. I must say its really interesting post. I never heard about such classification of holiday places according to religion. It was quite interesting for me.. :-)

  3. hi i am looking to go to the maldives with my wife and children. i dont know which resort would be best suited for me.i want to go to a place where there is no alcohol or bars. somwhere with a nice beach. there are so many places to go there but i dont want to go anywhere that serves alcohol or has nighclubs. any help would be good

  4. the best way is this website, travel anywhere, stay for free
